KiwiSaver flying high

In April alone there were 78,000 New Zealanders who joined KiwiSaver, in response to the government’s enhancements to the scheme. Finance Minister Michael Cullen On April 1, the government introduced compulsory employer contributions and the government tax credits to support them. Over 2,600 new KiwiSavers were signed up every day in April, making it the […]

KiwiSaver numbers surge after 1 April changes

The number of New Zealanders in KiwiSaver has surged, following the employer contributions and tax credits that came into effect at the beginning of April.As at 9 April, 542,338 New Zealanders are enrolled in KiwiSaver, with over 20,000 of those members having joined from 1 April. “The number of New Zealanders getting behind KiwiSaver continues […]

ASB Launches Sustainability Investment Fund

Investors offered opportunity for global investment spread and sustainability through NZ’s first Global Sustainability Investment FundKiwiSavers who want to invest long term with companies committed to sustainable activities and practices can now do so through a fund being made available in New Zealand by ASB Group Investments Limited (“ASB”). The new Global Sustainability Fund will […]

Women play it safe with KiwiSaver

Women are erring on the side of caution when investing in KiwiSaver while men appear to be more comfortable with higher levels of risk, according to Fiona Oliver, Chief Operating Officer of BT Funds Management, the developer and manager of the Westpac KiwiSaver Scheme. Press Release Oliver’s comments are based on membership data from the […]